Dante Levels Of Hell

This is dante s journey through the nine circles of hell guided by the poet virgil.
Dante levels of hell. As a christian dante adds circle 1 limbo to upper hell and circle 6 heresy to lower hell making 9 circles in total. As one descends into the depths of hell he comes closer to the 9th circle where satan himself resides. In honor of the great poet s life we offer this short guide to the nine circles of hell as described in dante s inferno. 9 circles of hell dante s inferno first circle limbo dante s first circle of hell is resided by virtuous non christians and unbaptized pagans who are punished with eternity in.
The deeper levels are organized into one circle for violence circle 7 and two circles for fraud circles 8 and 9. Second circle lust third circle gluttony fourth circle greed fifth circle anger. One of you sent an online quiz based on the divine comedy in which you take a test and it sorts out which level of the inferno you will land based on your sins happily for your working boy i. Limbo the first circle is home to the unbaptized and virtuous pagans.
In dante s inferno hell is described as having 9 different levels or circles each lower than the last. At the beginning of the story a woman beatrice calls for an angel to bring virgil to guide dante in his journey so that no harm will befall him.