Kratos Unmanned Aerial Systems Wikipedia

Unmanned vehicle mission computer integrated flight controller uav command control portable command control transportable command control fixed site command control.
Kratos unmanned aerial systems wikipedia. Kratos has been developing avionics and ground support command and control systems for high performance unmanned aerial target drones for over 40 years. It was initially designated xq 222. And operated by the united states air force and certain international customer air forces. These aerial platforms fly at speeds in excess of mach 1 and at altitudes as low as 7ft performing advanced maneuvers to replicate real world threats and providing realistic training opportunities.
Tdi based in detroit michigan. First serbian student unmanned aerial vehicle built by a team of students called ema vrabac uav. Kratos personnel deploy to customer specified locations to perform aerial target related missions. It has replaced the beechcraft mqm 107 streaker.
On february 24 2020 the kratos unmanned systems division bought small turbojet manufacturer technical directions inc. An unmanned aerial vehicle uav or uncrewed aerial vehicle commonly known as a drone is an aircraft without a human pilot on board and a type of unmanned vehicle. The other half of the division kratos unmanned control systems delivers advanced unmanned vehicle technology such as command control c2 and vehicle management systems for unmatched air land and sea effectiveness. Kuas leveraged its domain knowledge of high performance subscale aerial targets to design develop and demonstrate the first purpose built attritable uas.
Given sufficient altitude kratos targets are capable of initiating recovery at any point in the flight envelope. Kratos aerial target systems are recoverable on land and at sea and include valuable features to minimize damage to the target drone upon recovery. Lethal miniature aerial missile system. All kratos recovery systems include a reusable drogue and main parachute system.
Eagle arv system. The kratos xq 58 valkyrie is an experimental stealthy unmanned combat aerial vehicle designed and built by kratos defense security solutions for the united states air force low cost attritable strike demonstrator program under the usaf research laboratory s low cost attritable aircraft technology project portfolio. Which include a uav a ground based controller and a system of communications between the two. The composite engineering bqm 167 skeeter is a subscale aerial target developed and manufactured by composite engineering inc.
Uavs are a component of an unmanned aircraft system uas. Uavfactory varna uav reconnaissance electric flying wing unmanned system discontinued citation needed malaysia.