Samus Vs Master Chief By Ferodin

Samus wins against both game and novel chief.
Samus vs master chief by ferodin. Samus takes an easy win she s better augmented and has a far more advanced suit than master chief. Roanoke gaming 560 227 views. This video is a tribute to monty. Please try again later.
Samus aran for australian new zealand viewers you can watch it here. Both are highly combat trained but samus takes on far more dangerous opponents and has weapons that can easily penetrate cover and mjolnir. Master chief vs the doom slayer prepping for doom eternal ultimate match up between heroes. If we are including the manga samus stomps chief don t know about the metroid games as i virtually don t play them.
She is capable of withstanding gravity 953 times higher than earth s without her armor to protect her which is due to her chozo dna and she does not in fact struggle with it she thrives in that level of gravity. Samus lands and uses the speed booster and charges at chief she shoulder bashes chief into the air she shoots three missiles and master chief gets hit by all of them. This feature is not available right now. He starts to shoot it at samus but samus avoids the shots.