The Word Boss In Italian

Capo dei capi italian.
The word boss in italian. Your boss is the person in charge of the organization or department where you work. Ornamental protuberance in architettura scudo nm sostantivo maschile. Another word for opposite of meaning of rhymes with sentences with find word forms translate from english translate to english words with friends scrabble crossword codeword words starting with words ending with words containing exactly words containing letters pronounce find conjugations find names. This is a glossary of words related to the mafia primarily the italian american mafia and sicilian mafia.
Another word for opposite of meaning of rhymes with sentences with find word forms translate from english translate to english words with friends scrabble crossword codeword words starting with words ending with words containing exactly words containing letters pronounce find conjugations find names. Here is the translation and the italian word for boss. Boss of the bosses or capo di tutti i capi italian. Italian words for boss include capo padrone borchia principale dirigente protuberanza dirigere agire da padrone essere il capo and essere autoritario.
Boss find more words. List of boss names respective amounts presented. Boss of all the bosses is a phrase used mainly by the media public and the law enforcement community to indicate a supremely powerful crime boss in the sicilian or american mafia who. One who works with mobsters but hasn t been asked to take the vow of omertà.
Boss find more words. An almost confirmed or made guy. Another word for opposite of meaning of rhymes with sentences with find word forms translate from english translate to english words with friends scrabble crossword codeword words starting with words ending with words containing exactly words containing letters pronounce find conjugations find names. Il capo è un rispettabile uomo d affari.
We hope this will help you to understand italian better. Refers to person place thing quality etc. If you want to know how to say boss in italian you will find the translation here. Identifica un essere un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile.
Medico gatto strumento assegno dolore. The boss is a legit businessman. Il loro boss von mcbride ha pagato la cauzione per hodge. Il tuo capo ha ricevuto le informazioni sbagliate.
The top level management of an organized crime family the boss underboss and consigliere. Your boss gets his facts wrong.